Successful People DON’T Make Sacrifices: Flipping The Script On Entrepreneurship
Elon sleeps on the floor of his factories.
Gary Vaynerchuk worked 18 hours a day for three years.
Cody Nicholson ate ramen noodles to earn his lobster dinners.
There’s a narrative out there that says entrepreneurs have to make sacrifices to be successful. While that may be true in relation to job security, it doesn’t mean we have to give up things like sleep, nutrition, exercise, social time, or vacation. In fact, it may be the exact opposite. In my experience, success as an entrepreneur actually REQUIRES that I don’t sacrifice those things. My 8 hours of sleep is a non-negotiable component of my productivity, nutrition and exercise keep my brain optimized, spending time with my community help bring my dreams to life, and continuing to travel keeps me inspired!
As entrepreneurs, our minds are our most valuable asset. Entire industries have cropped up because of this. Things like Alpha brain, Lumosity, and even Ayahuasca Retreats are touted as necessities for entrepreneurs. Despite this, we’re still expecting people to work 80 hours a week and give up sleep in the name of success. If we’re really trying to optimize our cognitive function, we need to prioritize sleep. According to NIH, sleep plays a housekeeping role that removes toxins in your brain that build up while you are awake. For more information on the benefits of sleep, visit The American Brain Foundation Website.
Prioritizing nutrition is another important aspect of maintaining our potential for success. They want you to believe that you should give up organic produce and grass-fed meats, opting instead for cheaper alternatives. Given that 90% of our serotonin is produced in the gut, shorting ourselves nutrients is not conducive to feeling motivated about our work.
Exercise plays another important role in contributing to our success. We all know that physical activity can help lower overall stress levels and improve quality of life, both mentally and physically. That has a serious implication for our work lives. If we’re stressed out, we can’t make rational decisions — which ultimately affects the quality of our work.
Don’t succumb to the belief that you have to neglect your social life in order to be successful. Like any other area of life, having healthy interpersonal relationships bring greater meaning to our work. Think about it: how often do you lean on your friends for feedback on a new idea? If you didn’t have trustworthy people in your life to encourage or redirect you, you’d be stuck in a vacuum of uncertainty. Friends can also help you get connected with resources to make your work easier or more effective.
Lastly, vacation. This is a controversial one because, in the United States, we view vacations as a luxury. In other countries, it’s a basic human right. Travel allows us to move outside our comfort zone, a skill that directly translates to entrepreneurship. It also expands our minds regarding what’s possible and helps us remember what’s truly important in life. Of course, budget constraints influence our ability to travel and take time off, but who said we can’t work AND play? We live in the age of remote capability so let’s take advantage of it. Booking a vacation in a country where living costs are relatively low gives us the ability to potentially SAVE money while experiencing a new environment! Bring your computer and suddenly, the gap between work and vacation closes.
By prioritizing our sleep, nutrition, exercise, social time, and vacation, we can rewrite the narrative on hustle culture and increase our quality of life. Don’t let people tell you that you have to make big sacrifices to come out on top. As evidenced by agencies like The Mix, a well-rounded entrepreneur is a successful one.
Rewrite your narrative at The Momentum Coworking Retreat in Guatemala. For one week, 10 entrepreneurs will gather to establish healthy habits that are actually conducive to a fulfilling life and successful business. Book your spot now before tickets sell out!